Hello again!

Last week, I posted this blog post with some reasoning tests and my god, it just TOOK OFF. Over 7,000 of you downloaded the resource (pictured below). If you haven’t seen that resource, then go check it out!

Today I’m here with another share perfect for your Y6s and their reasoning practice.

One of the biggest areas I find that I personally feel like I’m constantly filling gaps is with statistics – with a focus on reading graphs and timetables (always time… always always time! Gosh darn you being base 60 and not base 100 time!). In my playing around making resources, I decided to collate some commonly used statistics questions and put them into a format that’s approachable and usable for kids (and teachers alike!)

So… what do you get?

Just like the other resource, I’ve created reasoning paper style questions based on the aforementioned types of statistics areas (graphs, timetables, pictograms, pie charts). There’s 5 per area (so you’ve got 20 tests in total) and then a page with the answers too.

If this sounds like your kind of jam or a resource you’d be interested in, then please feel free to click the download buttons below (there’s a PPT so they’re editable and a PDF if you just want to use them as they are).

I’m considering making a shape version of these in this format… is this something you’d find useful?! I’ve not yet because it will just take me so much longer than the others!

If you like this resource, you might want to check out my Teaching Resources page – there’s a whole load of stuff on there that will be helpful if you’re looking up plug gaps (not just in Maths, but SPAG and Writing too!)

As always, I’d love to know if this is any use to you! If you have any questions about them, that I’ve not answered here, you can leave me a comment, you can get in touch via the Contact tab at the top or you can tweet/DM me (if you follow me on social media!).

Please don’t put this on any websites claiming them as your own – a little credit (either of my blog, my twitter @eenalol or my Instagram @thisgeordieteaches) goes a long long way! A few people claimed my resources as their own in the past and it makes me a bit upset. I don’t charge for these; I’m not making any money from them; I’m sharing because the other ones were so popular and these may be useful to someone! If you do download and talk about them on your social media (which I really do appreciate), please please just give credit (don’t go selling them on TES for a fiver… yes, it has happened before). Please spread the love and share this as far and as wide as you wish!

S x


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