
Hi! *waves*

I’m Steph. ‘A Little But A Lot’ is my space to talk about things that matter to me.

I’m a primary school teacher and school librarian. I started my teaching career as a TA in a gorgeous little primary school, was lucky enough to become HLTA in that very same school and once I’d dipped my foot in the water, I knew that going for my dream of being a teacher was 100% something I wanted to do. I did my NQT year in Year 5, and as of January 2020, I have moved into Year 6, which is really exciting! I love my job: it’s hard, it’s sometimes thankless, but it is so worth it. This country needs teachers who love their job and I’m here to share my experiences. 

I’m a massive massive reader of MG and YA books. Anyone who wants to roll their eyes at that can find themselves in the sea. I have no time for people who look down on MG and YA. This is my space to talk about these books because I think kids and teens deserve amazing books. 

You’ll get primary school posts, you’ll get lots of book posts, there may even be some random posts. But I’m here for the ride!

My inbox/twitter feed/comments are always open, so don’t hesitate to shout!

S x