ThursTAG: The Summer Blog tag

Good morning everyone!

It is once again ThursTAG and today I’m having a go at the Summer Blog tag. As you all know, I love a bit of summer and since it’s lovely and sunny as I write this, I thought it would be a good quick one to have a go at!


What book cover makes you think of summer?

I’ll be honest, any cover that is yellow, or beach-y makes me think of Summer. I love Summer – it’s my favourite season!

What book has brightened your day?

Lots of books brighten my day for lots of different things. It might be because a character says something that makes me smile, because I see myself in a book or because I see that the world is broadening slightly.

The last book that brightened my day? Panda at the Door by Sarah Horne: a panda who wants to be Mary Poppins was such a lush idea!

Find a book cover with yellow on it.

The first book that pops into my head is the new cover of Destination Anywhere by Sara Barnard. This cover screams SUMMER to me!

What is your favorite summer beach read?

I don’t read a lot of summer-y books (I say that and actually, I might… but maybe I just don’t pay enough attention?) so I don’t really have one here!

What action book had you running for the ice cream man?

Ooooh. I love a good bit of action. As I write this, I’m in the middle of Fireborn by Aisling Fowler and it is FULL of action!

(Sunburn) What book has left you with a bad and/or painful ending?

Oh gosh, I always say the ending of A Curse So Dark and Lonely because I just didn’t BELIEVE the ending.

Painful? The ending of Hold Back the Tide forever makes me want to weep.

(Sunset) What book gave you the happiest feelings when it ended?

Lol, do you mean because it had a glorious ending? Or because I was glad it was over?

What book cover reminds you of a sunset?

Anything orangey/red/purple… so the first one that jumps to my mind is the Rebel series by Alwyn Hamilton – all 3 of those together scream sunset to me!

What is one book or series you hope to read this summer?

Hmmmm… there are TOO MANY! Just all the books! I’d quite like to read the Shadow and Bone trilogy though – I did properly love Six of Crows, so I have high hopes!


What’s your favourite season?
What’s on your summer TBR?
What colours scream summer to you?

Let me know in the comments. I’d love to know your thoughts!

S x

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