Down the TBR hole again…

So… here we go again. Clearing out my TBR shelf – if you want to know more about this, check out my first post here: Down the TBR hole….

Let’s get on with it, see which books I’m going to KEEP, and which I’m going to REMOVE.


The Death Instinct – Jed Rubenfeld
Now, I actually own this book, so that is a factor to it staying. I read the one before this and really loved it. I think for now I will KEEP this book, in the hopes I get round to it quickly!


The Girl with Glass Feet – Ali Shaw
TO say I remember adding this book would be a lie. I don’t think I have any recollection of this book. However, having read the synopsis, it sounds RIGHT up my street with magical beings, so I’ll hope I can get a copy and I shall KEEP it.


The Assassin’s Curse – Cassandra Rose Clarke
I’m not sure if this is the same Cassandra Clarke as the other one. Again, I have NO recollection of adding this to be honest. It’s got magic in it which makes me want to keep it, however I think I’ll REMOVE it as it just doesn’t grip me.


The Knife of Never Letting Go – Patrick Ness
I know, I know. HOW HAVE I NOT READ THIS? Well, I didn’t own this til this year. Now that it is on my shelf I plan on getting round to reading it. PLUS the film is being shot/done shooting, so I will want to see that! This is a firm KEEP.


The Girl who Circumnavigated the Fairyland in a Shop of her Own Making – Catherynne Valente
Now I’m 90% sure I started this on my kindle and just couldn’t get in to it. I think for now I will REMOVE it, but it seems like that kind of book that will keep cropping up in my life!


The Call of the Weird – Louis Theroux
I love Louis Theroux, so there is NO QUESTION about the fact this book is a KEEP.


I am the Messenger – Markus Zusak
This is by the same author as The Book Thief, which is a book I adore, and having read the synopsis on Goodreads I think I might KEEP this and hope to get my hands on a copy, eventually. 


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe – Benjamin Alire Saenz
Again, I have NO recollection of adding this, but a few of my friends have mentioned it recently and I’ve just read the blurb and it sounds brilliant. KEEP is the choice.


The Vast Fields of Ordinary – Nick Burd
I have absolutely no clue why I added this. I am going to REMOVE this from my list.


The Library of the Dead – Glenn Cooper
I clearly added this when I was reading other books of this type. This sounds like a great one if I’m ever in a crime mood, but I’m going to REMOVE it for now. 

So there we go! Down the TBR hole number 2 done, I removed 4 books and kept 6. I think I am going to have to start being more brutal. My IRL TBR is much more than the one on my Goodreads, but we’ll forget that!

Have you read any of the books on my list?
Which ones would you keep or remove?
Do you agree with my choices?

Talk to me on twitter, via email, or in the comments!

S x

One thought on “Down the TBR hole again…

  1. emilyjadebooks says:

    I also want to read the Knife of Never Letting Go before the movie comes out. I have read it before but not for years. I also really recommend Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the Universe. It was one of my top books this year!


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