Series review: Orphans of the Tide

Good morning!

Thanks for stopping by today!

I’ve loved sharing whole series that I love with you guys and I’ve loved hearing all about the series that you love too.

Today, I’m sharing Orphans of the Tide series by Struan Murray. This is one of those that starts with an absolute punch and delivers kick after kick in each book. In my dream world, I’d get to do book 1 in Year 6!


Book 1: Orphans of the Tide

JUST BRILLIANT. I loved this. This is an incredible story that is jam-packed with twists and turns that made my jaw HIT THE FLOOR. The characters and the world and the way it’s all set up: just EXCEPTIONAL! This was a total hit with me and so many people that I love and it’s so so important to me that people KEEP reading it. I need you all to experience the ups and downs; I need you all to experience all of the questions; I need you all to fall in love with these characters, just like I did!

Book 2: Shipwreck Island

After reading the first book, I had high high hopes for this one… and let me tell you, this second book packs just as much a punch as the first! I finished this and had NOTHING to say but oh my goodness. This is absolutely phenomenal. Just let me pick my jaw up off the floor good. THAT ENDING. Seth! Ellie! The new friends! The sea! So many unanswered questions; so much I need to know. This is jam-packed brilliance. So many twists and turns. So many new friends and old nemeses coming to join the party. I totally didn’t see this going the way it did. There’s very much a ‘two sides of coin’ going on here and I loved every second of it. I do NOT want to have to wait for book 3!

Book 3: Eternity Engine

Again, I was SO HYPED for this… and what a way to end an amazing trilogy. I adored this story, its adventures, the journey and all of the ingenuity. Struan Murray is a master story weaver and I am so incredibly sad that Orphans is over, but I can’t wait for everyone to read this. Just incredible. I love Ellie and the rest of her crew and this world just brings me so much joy. From the first book, to this one, there’s just so so much to enjoy.


I can not endorse this series enough for a KS2/KS3 class – probably Y5+ up. These would all make amazing read alouds, or some wonderful inspiration for writing!


S x

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