S4S – Books from my childhood

Good morning everyone!

It is I, your #SixforSunday fairy coming to see you! I hope everyone is well!

This week sees the first week of #SixforSunday does November. This month, we are celebrating everything kids books! This is 100% the place where kids books are celebrated and championed and I thought it would be a great way to celebrate kids books on other blogs, where maybe people don’t read them as much! (Obviously if you want to do other prompts, then please feel free, I just want there to be more love for kids books in the world!). The prompts for this month are:

November – A celebration of kids’ book!
1st – Books from your childhood
8th – Children’s books that would make brilliant graphic novels
15th – Children’s books you’d love to jump into
22th – Children’s books you’d love to read
29th – Characters from children’s books you love

I’m really looking forward to doing these prompts and seeing what you all think! So please join in if you can!

So let’s get on with this week’s prompt:

Books from your childhood

I found this really easy because I have quite fond memories of reading when I was a child. I always had a house full of books and we were read with and to a lot growing up: whether it was my parents, my brother, my friends… I was surrounded by books. I appreciate that I am very lucky and that a lot of people don’t have these positive associations with books. That being said, here’s 6 books from my childhood that mean a lot to me!

I know I say this every week, but a massive thank you as ever to everyone who is joining in with my silly little blog thing! I love #SixforSunday with all that I am, so it makes me really happy to see other people joining in too!

I hope you’re all staying safe!

S x

One thought on “S4S – Books from my childhood

  1. Charlotte says:

    I loved all these as a kid. My favourite from your list was The Secret Garden. I used to pretend my grandparents garden was the Secret Garden


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